Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Software Xilinx ISE

Xilinx merupakan suatu perangkat lunak yang berguna untuk merancang dan melakukan simulasikan dari suatu rangkaian digital. Dengan menggunakan Xilinx proses perancangan suatu alat atau rangkaian digital melalui proses simulasi rangkaian yang telah dirancang untuk melihat apakah rancangan yang telah dibuat sudah benar atau masih mengandung kesalahan.

Sebenarnya tahapan atau proses perancangan alat atau rangkaian digital menggunakan Xilinx sama seperti merancang suatu rangkaian logika secara manual akan tetapi kelebihan menggunakan simulator Xilinx dapat diminimalisasi kesalahan pada proses perancangan. Sebelum mulai merancang rangkaian pada Xilinx minimal sudah dilakukan rancangan state diagram atau tabel kebenaran (truth tables) dari spesifikasi rangkaian atau alat yang ingin dibuat. Kalau tidak mempunyai rancangan tersebut, Xilinx tidak dapat membantu dalam merancang alat tersebut.

Untuk perancangan rangkaian digital, Xilinx mempunyai tiga cara, yaitu dengan menggunakan State Diagram, HDL (Hardware Description Language) dan Schematic. Dalam perancangan bisa menggunakan salah satu cara saja atau menggabungkan ketiga cara tersebut. Untuk HDL, Xilinx dapat menggunakan dua bahasa pemrograman yaitu ABEL dan VHDL.



Kalian pasti belum familiar dengan kata Hippogriff. Hippogriff sendiri adalah makhluk mitologi yang dikenal sebagai Griffin. Kalian yang menyukai seri film Harry Potter pasti tidak asing dengan Buckbeak. Hippogriff merupakan makhluk gaib yang memiliki kepala, kaki depan dan sayap yang seperti elang, tetapi memiliki badan, kaki belakang dan ekor berupa kuda.

Didalam film Harry Potter ketika manusia mendekati Hippogriff, sebuah etika yang tepat harus dipertahankan untuk menghindari bahaya. Hipprogriff adalah makhluk yang sangat angkuh, dan seseorang harus menunjukkan rasa hormat yang tepat dengan membungkuk kepada mereka, dan menunggu mereka untuk balas menunduk sebelum mendekatinya. Kontak mata harus dipertahankan setiap saat, tanpa berkedip sekali pun. Hipprogriff harus mengizinkan untuk membuat langkah pertama kita, karena ini merupakan kesopanan. Jika tersinggung, mungkin dia akan menyerang. Hippogriff dapat dijinakkan, tapi hanya oleh para ahli dalam perawatan mereka (seperti Rubeus Hagrid, Profesor Care of Magical Creatures dan pengawas/penjaga di sekolah Hogwarts).

Walaupun angkuh, Hippogriff juga bisa menjadi sangat setia dan protektif terhadap orang yang telah mendapatkan kepercayaan mereka, seperti yang ditunjukkan Buckbeak pada setidaknya dua kesempatan, ketika dia menyerang Severus Snape dalam membela Harry Potter selama pertempuran di Menara Astronomi, dan lagi ketika dia memimpin Thestral dalam penyerangan raksasa milik Voldemort selama pertempuran Hogwarts.


Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2: Bulan Keempat

Exercise 37: Relative Clauses

1. The last record that was produced by this company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts that require a minimum balance are very common now.
3. The professor who spoke with you yesterday is not here today.
4. John whom are the highest grade in the school has received a scholarship.
5. Felipe bought a camera, that has three lenses.
6. Frank is the man, who are going to nominated for the office of treasurer.
7. The doctor is with a patient, whose leg was broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the woman, who is going to China next year.
9. Janet wants a typewriter, which self-corrects.
10. This book that I found last week contains some usefull information.
11. Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article, that indicated that he disliked the president.
13. The director of the program which graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year.
14. This is the book, that I've been looking for all year.
15. William who has lawyer's brother wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38: Relative Clause Reduction

1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2. All of the money accepted has already been released.
3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia.
4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.
5. The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen.
6. John's wife a proffesor, has written several papers on this subject.
7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8. The book on the top shelf is the one that I need.
9. The number of students been counted is quite high.
10. Leo Evants a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day.

Exercise 39: Subjunctive

1. Correct
2. It was urgent that he call her immediately
3. Correct
4. She intends to move that the committee suspend discussion on this issue
5. The king decreed that the new laws take effect the following month
6. Correct
7. I advise that you take the prerequisites before registering for this course
8. His father prefers that he attend a different university
9. Correct
10. She urged that we find another alternative.

Exercise 40: Inclusives

1. Not only
2. And
3. Both
4. But also
5. And
6. Not only
7. And
8. But also
9. As well as
10. As wel as

Exercise 41: Know/Know How

1. Know how
2. Know how
3. Know
4. Know
5. Know how
6. Know
7. Know how
8. Know
9. Know how
10. Know how

Exercise 42: Clauses of Concession

1. Although she dislike coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.
2. Mary will take a plane, in spite of her dislike of.
3. Although Marcy's sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.
4. We took many pictures despite cloudy sky.
5. Even though she has poor memory, the old woman told interesting stories to the children.
6. In spite of his frequently absent, he has managed to pass the test.
7. Nancy told me the secret, though she has promised not to do so.
8. We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing even though we had knew we will not win.
9. Even though it is high price, my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday.
10. He ate the chocolate cake even in spite of the diet.

Exercise 43: Problem Verbs

1. Lies
2. Sit
3. Laid
4. Rose
5. Raise
6. Lay
7. Lying
8. Raised
9. Rises
10. Set

Sabtu, 06 Mei 2017

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2: Bulan Ketiga

Exercise 35: Passive Voice

1. The president is being called by somebody everyday
2. The other members are being called by John
3. Mr.Watson would be called by somebody tonight
4. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire
5. The supplies should have been bought by the teacher

Exercise 36: Causative Verbs

1. Left
2. Repaired
3. Typed
4. Called
5. Painted
6. Wrote
7. Lied
8. Sent
9. Cut
10. Signed
11. Left
12. Washed
13. Fixed
14. Published
15. Found

Rabu, 19 April 2017

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2: Bulan Kedua

Exercise 26: Adjectives and Adverbs

1. Well
2. Intense
3. Bright
4. Fluent
5. Fluently
6. Smooth
7. Accurately
8. Bitter
9. Soon
10. Fast

Exercise 27: Linking (Copulative) Verbs

1. Terribly
2. Well
3. Good
4. Calm
5. Sick
6. Quickly
7. Diligently
8. Vehemently
9. Relaxed
10. Noisy

Exercise 28: Comparisons

1. As soon
2. More important
3. As well
4. Expensive
5. As hot
6. More talented
7. More colorful
8. More happier
9. More badly
10. Faster

Exercise 29: Comparisons

1. Than
2. Than
3. Than
4. Than
5. Than
6. As
7. As
8. Than
9. From
10. Than

Exercise 30: Comparisons

1. Better
2. Happiest
3. Faster
4. Creamiest
5. More colorful
6. Better
7. Good
8. More awkwardly
9. Least
10. Prettiest
11.  The best
12. Than
13. Less impresive
14. Sicker
15. When
16. Twice more than
17. Few
18. Much
19. Farthest
20. More famous

Exercise 31: Nouns Functioning as Adjectives

1. Twelfth
2. Language
3. Three act
4. Two day
5. 79 piece
6. Five shelf
7. 16 ounce
8. Six quart
9. Brick
10. Ten speed

Exercise 32: Enough

1. Enough people
2. Enough french
3. Enough time
4. Fast enough
5. Soon enough
6. Early enough
7. Hard enough
8. Slowly enough
9. Enough flour
10. Enough books

Exercise 33: Because / Because Of

1. Because
2. Because
3. Because of
4. Because
5. Because of
6. Because of
7. Because of
8. Because
9. Because
10. Because of

Exercise 34: So / Such

1. So
2. Such
3. Such
4. Such
5. Such
6. Such
7. Such
8. So
9. Such
10. Such
11. So
12. So
13. Such
14. So
15. So

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Tugas Pertama Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 21: Conditional Sentences

1. Could understand
3. Would give
4. Would have told
5. Would be
6. Had
7. Stopped
8. Needed
9. Would find
10. Enjoyed
14. Could permitted
15. Would spent
16. Would accepted
17. Bought
19. Would have written
23. Were see
27. Would have called
28. Would have talked

Exercise 22: Used To

1. Eat
2. Eating
3. Swim
4. Like
5. Speaking
6. Study
7. Dancing
8. Sleep
9. Eating
10. Eating

Exercise 23: Would Rather

1. Stay
2. Had stayed
3. Work
4. Studied
5. Not study
6. Have
7. Stand
8. Not cook
9. Didn't arrived
10. Slept

Exercise 24: Must/Should + Perfective

1. Should have
2. Must be
3. Must damaged
4. Should not park
5. Must studied
6. Should studied
7. Must be
8. Should deposited
9. Must have forgotten
10. Must not have studied

Exercise 25: Modals + Perfective

1. I would
2. Would have gone
3. May have had
4. Should have done
5. Must have forgotten
6. May have slept
7. Might had had
8. Could have lost
9. Shouldn't have driven
10. May have run